I always believe that we must use the right skin care suits to our skin. As for me, I chose to use Clinique. Since I used it, more than 10 years ago, I comfortable with it. and my skin does not gave any kind of irritation to the product ranges.So far, i satisfied using it.
My routine will start with this:-
3 Step Skin care
Turnaround Concentrate Skin Renewer -twice a day
Dark Spot Corrector - twice a day.
3 step + Turnaround concentrate + dark spot corrector - I apply 2 kali sehari.Pagi before make up untuk pergi kerja dan malam sebelum tidur
Turnaround Facial Masque -twice a week to get rid off the dead skin
7 Day Scrub Cream - once or twice a week
I even put one set of those stuff in the office.Kalau tak sempat apply kat rumah, I do it at the office!
That's mine.How about yours?
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